Ojee Golf

Golfing at Trentham Park!

Last month we visited a beautiful parkland tucked away on the edge of Trentham Hall in Staffordshire. Not only does Trentham Park Golf Club look great but it plays great too, the difficulty level steadily ramps up as it should with any good course and the stunning surroundings make this one of our favourite courses to play! The golf course itself boasts an 18-hole, 71 par golf course measuring 6,425 off the back tees with holes that provide both high and low handicap golfers an exciting challenge.

With our TALON’s out and ready, we were joined by PGA Professional Gareth Shaw to test out our innovative, training aid during a fun practice session, overlooking the beautiful scenery.

As the sun was beaming over the horizon, Gareth demonstrated a variety of golfing shots using the TALON, examining how his unique Ojee Angle® allows him to work on his posture to hit better shots. To see just how far we could push the TALON, Gareth used TALON with some of the most challenging shots in the game, including a flop shot and a plugged bunker shot.

Gareth exemplified how using TALON to read body angles can instill fundamental habits for both amateurs and lower handicappers. Whilst in a sand trap he produced a great bunker shot, demonstrating the importance of an open face at impact but also a strong repeatable posture. Amateurs can tend to over arch their backs, causing unnecessary pressure to the spine, the TALON is an effective way to improve posture and ensure an accurate, constant set-up using the Ojee Angle®.

Check out the video below


The PGA Pro then exhibited the Ojee Angle® and other fundamental angles such as and rotation of the club face on with co-founder Paul Hulbert. Once in good position, Paul hit a great shot, ensuring his face angle and unique Ojee Angle® remained constant every time. Whilst practicing using TALON, Gareth went on to explain that these fundamental angles are crucial to ensure good posture. He then asked Paul to set up in a bad position with rounded shoulders to demonstrate how this links to a bad swing, which can injure the lumbar spine and will ultimately lead to more poor shots.

Check out the video below


The TALON is a training aid that prevents bad posture, it prevents injury to lateral muscles and ensures a consistent, repeatable setup before your swing. Step up to your next golfing session with the TALON, a real-time digital aid that illustrates your best angles.

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